Dwayne 'La Roca' Johnson mantiene sus músculos con una alimentación nutritiva y un entrenamiento extremo, pero un día por semana se da sus gustos sin sentir culpa y comparte su 'pecadito' en las redes sociales. 

El actor, de 46 años, posteó en Instagram la fotografía de su cena, que sorprendió a sus 121 millones de seguidores. Eran nada más y nada menos que 90 piezas de sushi y y abundantes salsas solo para él.

Los seguidores se apresuraron a comentar sobre la cantidad de comida."¿Cómo terminas todo eso?", "Eso es demasiado sushi para un hombre …", "Toda esa comida es sólo para ti o también para tu familia", fueron algunos de los comentarios de incrédulos internautas.

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The cheat meal Sunday Sushi Train �� �� rolled on this past weekend with some power and a ton of that wooosabi �� Great new doc on Netflix about one of my fav country artists, the icon himself, Johnny Cash. I wear the black for the poor and beaten down.. livin’ in the hopeless, hungry side of town. If you ain’t eatin’ - then you ain’t cheatin’. Enjoy your cheat meals my friends and excuse me while I take greed and gluttony to new levels. #FilthyAnimal #SooshTrain ��

Una publicación compartida de therock (@therock) el

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Midweek carb up and takin’ these sexy pizzas �� to pound town. Before our big action scenes tomorrow for HOBBS & SHAW, I get that glorious text from my strength and conditioning coach @daverienzi that says, “for your big scene tomorrow we need to fill you out more.. need you to eat pizza tonight and shoot me pics from the gym in the morning” — it worked. Muscle bellies are full, dense and striated. Achieving and maintaining a certain aesthetic for months while filming is such a crazy science that requires constant strategy and a surgical eye from a great coach. As scientific and intellectualized as this process can be - when you strip it all down to brass tacks, it basically means you gotta be fucking nuts to constantly commit to this discipline. Eh, I am what I am ������‍♂️���� #HobbsAndShaw #CommitToTheCharacter #HobbsForTheWin #PizzaPoundTown

Una publicación compartida de therock (@therock) el

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LINK TO BUY IN BIO �������� You’ve just made my new #ProjectRock1 the #1 selling shoe for @underarmour. A huge accomplishment considering the array of dope shoes in the UA marketplace. We’re #1. THANK YOU. My goal is to create one of the best if not, THE BEST training shoe you’ll ever attack your workouts in. Much more work to be done and I’m always looking to improve engineering and design with my team and @underarmour. Slow and steady wins the race. Train hard. Stay strong. Enjoy the shoes �� #UnderArmour #ProjectRock1s #1Seller #HardestWorkerInTheRoom

Una publicación compartida de therock (@therock) el