Cuando Mathilde Broberg no pudo subir a una montaña rusa porque no le abrochaba el cinturón de seguridad, decidió que era momento de cambiar sus hábitos. La joven danesa, de 21 años, con mucho sacrificio y esfuerzo, pasó de 126 kilos a 67 engañando a su cerebro, con un método que se hizo viral.

Decidió dejar de lado los dulces y el pan para empezar a apostar por la comida sana. También se sometió a un duro entrenamiento, según publica el Daily Mail. Sin embargo, lo curioso de su régimen es que la joven consiguió engañar a su cuerpo comiendo con una cucharilla de café para hacerle creer que estaba consumiendo más de lo que realmente estaba haciendo.

Actualmente, publica fotografías y mensajes animando a las personas a seguir sus pasos. Ahora es modelo deportiva y entrenadora personal. “¡Si yo lo conseguí, tú también!”, asegura en Instagram. No obstante, la joven reconoce que su caso no es ningún milagro ya que ella mismo lo atribuye a la perseverancia y a la fuerza de voluntad.


New year, new start? _ Let 2017 be the year where you make this kinda transformation because it is possible. Quite whining and start kick some ass. First step is to cut down the size of your portions, eat less (1 small portion pr meal) and eat HEALTHY! If you don't know what healthy food is you can contact me and I can give you a meal plan for a small amount / cost. Next step is to become active! Be as active as possible throughout the day and don't just sit still. I remembered that I played a lot of Just Dance and picked the hardest songs to really sweat it out. It must have done something! But the most important step is the food you eat ❤️ _ #newyear #transformation

Una foto publicada por Mathilde Høj Broberg ⬇️ 139lbs (@mathildehbroberg) el


Measurements ���� This is crazy! _ If I can do it so can you! Anything is possible it you want enough - never stop believing in yourself and stay strong. This is a journey that's been going on since summer, 2012. My weightloss journey ended 2,5 years ago and since that I've been working out in the gym minimum 3 times EVERY week. In a period from Fall, 2014 to Summer, 2015 I've been eating too healthy (and too little) + worked out 6 times pr week. At that time my measurements were lower than they are now - At 57 kg (125lbs) _ Bust: 79 cm Waist: 60 cm Hip: 80 cm _ I was really skinny at that time but I had loose skin/harsh fat .. I started to eat more (2200kcal) everyday and I've been following well organized workout schedules for 1 year now and this is where I am today. Hard work do pay off! _ If you really want to change your life you gotta decide to find the power within you. You are the only one to make it happen. You're the only one who controls what goes in to your mouth, how long you walk, how much you're being active. Get control over your brain, because that's the one you can blame: You're in control, not your inner-voice! Don't waist time on the right time to come - there is no perfect time, you just have to start and never look back. It will be tough and it will feel like an endless road, but you will make if you just don't quit! How much do you want it? _ ... Ask yourself _ #determination

Una foto publicada por Mathilde Høj Broberg ⬇️ 139lbs (@mathildehbroberg) el


Always remember where you came from! _ 2010 vs 2016 (15 years vs 21years) Never quit and don't give up. It will take time and when you accept that, you'll soon reach your goal - trust me. _ If you wanna lose weight and need help send me an email to: �� I offer online coaching with a 12 week gym workout program + home workout + eating knowledge and eating plans + personal contact with me as your coach and mental coach! _ #weightlosscoach

Una foto publicada por Mathilde Høj Broberg ⬇️ 139lbs (@mathildehbroberg) el