Mike Wilson y su novia Megan Hanneman se dedican a hacer muebles para ejercitar gatos, un día fueron a un refugio de animales y quedaron conmovidos al encontrar a Bronson, un enorme gato que pesaba al menos 15 kilos.

Según los veterinarios del refugio, el gato adquirió todo su peso tras consumir sobras de comida cuando su anterior dueño falleció.

La pareja no dudó en adoptar al enorme y gordito gato, y ante el esfuerzo del animal por trasladarse se propusieron someterlo a un riguroso plan de ejercicios y dieta con el propósito de que el gato baje unos kilos.

Mike y Megan incluso le crearon una cuenta en Instagram al gato, en donde van registrando los alcances conseguidos con el plan de poner en forma a Bronson. La cuenta tiene más de 68.000 seguidores que siguen la evolución física del felino.

El gato doméstico promedio pesa entre 3.6 y 5.4 kilos, pero esto varía dependiendo de la raza y el sexo. En un gato de peso normal se pueden sentir ligeramente sus costillas al tocar el costado de su cuerpo, mientras que en uno con peso de más, sólo se siente carne.


Nothing like some nice cat grass. ���� Now it looks like I sped this up, but I assure you the video is regular speed. . . . #weightloss #weightwatchers #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #getbronsonskinny #gobronsongo #catstagram #cats_of_world #catsofinstagram #cats_of_instagram #gato_cats #cat_features #catstagramcat #excellent_cats #bestmeow #instagram #bestcats_oftheworld #sweetcatclub #catsofworld

Una publicación compartida de Bronson the cat (@iambronsoncat) el


Bronson’s feeling much better and is just about back to his normal self. He’s had an upper respiratory infection and was been breathing heavily after short amounts of play. We can tell he’s doing fine when he wildly rolls on to his back during play, so he’s almost there. . . This is one of his favorite toys and was sent to him by his buddy @teagues_n_oliver . . . #catdancer #weightloss #weightwatchers #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #weightlosstransformation #cats_of_world #gobronsongo #getbronsonskinny #thedodo #catsofinstagram #catstagram #catskills

Una publicación compartida de Bronson the cat (@iambronsoncat) el



Bronson wanted to take a second to thank all of his new fans and also everybody that’s been cheering him on since the begining❤️ He’s also asked us to let everybody know about his blog we’re in the process of putting together. We’ve been getting a lot of questions asking about his current diet, exercise routine and advice for feline weight loss. We want his blog to be a place where we explain all of that information. It’s been hard to answer so many questions, so the point would be to have a centralized place with all that info. . We also just started a Facebook page for him. It's mostly for people that have requested it who don't have IG, but we're also going to be posting a little different content on there, in case people are following both accounts. There's a link to his new FB page in his bio. Thanks! ��❤️ . . . #weightloss #weightwatchers #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #weightlosstransformation #gobronsongo #getbronsonskinny #gato_cats #cats_ofinstagram #cat_features #catstagramcat #excellent_cats #bestmeow #bestcats_oftheworld #sweetcatclub #thedodo #catsofworld

Una publicación compartida de Bronson the cat (@iambronsoncat) el